graph paper

美 [ˈɡræf peɪpər]英 [ˈɡræf peɪpə(r)]
  • n.方格纸;坐标纸;标绘纸
graph papergraph paper


paper with small squares of equal size printed on it, used for drawing graphs and other diagrams

graph paper


  • 1
    N-UNCOUNT 方格纸;坐标纸;标绘纸
    Graph paper is paper that has small squares printed on it so that you can use it for drawing graphs.


paper that has lines to permit drawing graphs


  1. So , you would have your graph paper , and you would have some curve on it .


  2. I grabbed a piece of graph paper ; I 'm a physicist .


  3. Darren : Oh , I need graph paper for my economics class .


  4. And that mistake begins with Gordon Moore 's change of graph paper .


  5. Graph paper , parallel , and planimeter methods are current tools for acreage calculation .


  6. The area below this curve is measured , e.g. by counting small squares if graph paper is used .


  7. Show your geeky side with these hand-written scientific equations on blue and white graph paper .


  8. He decided to plot the capacity of those chips , versus their year of introduction , on some graph paper .


  9. Is it only the act of telling a lie that produces the telltale patterns of inked lines on graph paper ?


  10. I normally plot the garden on graph paper ," she says ," but this time I eyeballed it . I wanted it to flow naturally .


  11. On day 7 , the models of flaps were drawn out by transparent graph paper , and the zones of necrosis were overlaid into black .


  12. Bitmap : A picture made from a series of small dots , much like a piece of graph paper with certain squares filled in to form shapes and lines .


  13. I use a sheet of clear acrylic under which I put a large sheet of graph paper which guides me when cutting canes or sheets of clay to size .


  14. After two unsuccessful attempts at rectangular mazes on some graph paper that Cobb quickly and easily solves with a pencil , Ariadne turns the paper over and draws a spiral design on the blank page .


  15. This relation generalizes the result on the connectivity of product graph in paper [ 1 ] .


  16. The key task of digital design is developing a photographic woven CAD , which can transform samples of graph to point paper .


  17. Based on the algorithm to find strongly connected nodes of a graph , this paper presents a linear time algorithm to detect modules of a fault tree .


  18. Finally , based on the control dependency relation graph , the paper discusses how to detect control conflicts in BPEL4WS and how to optimize th .


  19. By a detailed study on the current literature , in terms of graph , this paper proposes formal definitions on convolution calculation by the method of convolution path .


  20. In order to find out all Hamiltonian tours of a graph , this paper puts forward the concepts about H sets , H matrices joining product and path matrix , etc.


  21. Concerning path search in the motion graph , this paper used the area between two curves as the target function and improved the strategy of incremental search and the strategy of branch and bound .


  22. Based on the information of edge list in graph , this paper proposes a new all-pairs shortest path algorithm : EBSP ( Edges Based All-pairs Shortest Paths Algorithm ) .


  23. In accordance with evaluating the coincidence degree of the vector data and graph , this paper develops a method to match the edge of photograph with any vector curve based on generalized Hough transformation .


  24. By adding some restricted conditions for edges of a graph , this paper further studies the upper embeddability of graphs with diameter three or four , and obtains some new upper embeddable graphs .


  25. The algorithm uses invisible encoding , according to each generation of the individual fitness function , crossover and mutation operator to adjust , and with the help of graph theory the paper repair infeasible solutions in genetic algorithms .


  26. In innovation graph , this paper establishes the generalized branch model of the branch with parameter errors . This model substitutes potential source for the influence of parameter errors and makes network parameter errors identification problem convert non-zero potential source identification one .


  27. Furthermore , a new , simple and effective design of workflow model which is used for the modeling of business flows is proposed by using directed activity graph in this paper . And the implement details of the workflow engine based the model are also described .


  28. By using the theory of graph , this paper discusses an orderly displaying problem based on multi-basic colors of RGB . Based on two-basic color of RGB , an orderly displaying algorithm and displaying conditions and detail graphic proof are given ;


  29. Through the study of the confluence of active rule set , the analysis of its interchange bility and the execution graph , this paper presents the deciding theorem of confluence . The presentation of helps to improve the accuracy of confluence determination .


  30. According to the characteristics of ventilation network graph , this paper introduced a method by which we can transform the ventilation network structural data to ventilation network graph automatically . Based on the method , we developed the programme , applied it to practice and got the approving result .
